Environmental Policy
Watford Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Ltd take its responsibility to the environment very seriously. We aim to design, install and maintain equipment which will help reduce carbon emissions and therefore cause less damage to the environment. We recognise our moral responsibility and have set up several objectives to help us protect the environment.
As a minimum, to comply with the requirements of relevant legislation;
- To promote sound environmental management policies and practices throughout the company.
- To make efficient and environmentally responsible use of energy and natural resources.
- To promote environmentally responsible design and procurement of equipment whenever possible.
- To minimise waste production as far as is practicable, to reuse or recycle waste where possible and to regulate the treatment and disposal of any residual waste.
- To reduce and, where practicable, prevent pollution.
- To minimise the impact of transport on the environment arising from its own vehicles as well as its suppliers transport.
- To minimise the adverse environmental impact of the decommissioning and disposal of redundant equipment.
- To raise awareness of all staff and clients to the environmental impact, activities and performance and to promote individual good practice.
Watford Refrigeration & Air Conditioning take an active role in participating with the local authority “Green Business Pledge”.